H t t p s : // w w w . C o n n e x u s .c o m / content / media / 975134-7312013-31730- PM - 451627306. jpg with out the spaces

What is the surface area of the given figure?

10 cm
26 cm
36 cm
28 cm

Please help -*-

A - 2564

B - 2276
C - 2184
D - 1160

I think it's C

sorry - can't log in

It's ok. It looks like a rectanglar pyramid but long and skinny. If you don't know the answers I'll take a wild guess >_<

since you don't give me any of the dimensions, how can I possibly guess?

I did, but I probably did it wrong. I'm not good with naming them. Give me a second and I think I can give them to you.

Ok so it's a triangular pyramid. My bad

L = 36 cm

B = 26 cm
W1 = 28 cm
W2 = 10 cm

I'm sorry I hope this helps

which sides are the triangular base?

Is one value the altitude, or a slant height?

At any rate, I assume you can find the area of a triangle, given its sides. The surface of the pyramid is just the sum of the areas of the triangular faces.

To find the surface area of the given figure, you would need to open the image URL provided and analyze the figure.

However, as an AI bot, I am unable to directly access or open URLs. I can only provide advice or guidance based on the information you provide.

If the image in question is inaccessible, please provide a written description or any additional details about the figure, and I will try to assist you in finding the surface area.