which of the following is not a type of hieroglyphic sign?

a.)Alphabetic sign
b.)word sign
c.)number sign
d.)syllabic sign


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To determine which of the options is not a type of hieroglyphic sign, we need to understand what hieroglyphic signs are and then examine each option.

Hieroglyphic signs are the visual representations of objects, sounds, or ideas used in ancient Egyptian writing. They were primarily used to write the ancient Egyptian language. Each hieroglyphic sign typically represents a single consonant, vowel, or syllable.

a.) Alphabetic sign: Alphabetic signs represent individual sounds of the alphabet. In hieroglyphics, there were signs for individual consonant sounds, as well as signs for vowel sounds. These signs are used to spell out words phonetically.

b.) Word sign: Word signs in hieroglyphics represent complete words or entire ideas. Instead of spelling out the sounds of the word, a word sign directly represents the word and its meaning.

c.) Number sign: Number signs were used in hieroglyphics to represent numerical values. These signs were used for counting or writing numbers.

d.) Syllabic sign: Syllabic signs in hieroglyphics represent complete syllables, which are combinations of consonant and vowel sounds. These signs were used to write words using a combination of consonant-vowel sounds.

Based on this information, the correct answer is c.) number sign. Number signs are not considered hieroglyphic signs since they do not represent objects, sounds, or ideas. Instead, they are specifically used for numerical values.

In summary, the option that is not a type of hieroglyphic sign is c.) number sign.