Hi I really need help with the following questions.

1. In"My heart leaps up when I behold"Wordsworth says " the child is the father of the man" This is often interpreted to mean that our childhood experiences influence the adults that we become. Explain how this theme is apparent in "Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey" Give examples from the text to support the answer.

2. Compare John Keats' "ode to a nightingale" to Emily Dickinson's "there is a slant of light" What do the poems have in common? how do they address the theme in similar ways? How do they address the theme in different ways?

Thank you so much for the help.

In at least one hundred words, explain how Lessing’s childhood experiences may have influenced her storytelling in "Through the Tunnel."

1. To analyze how the theme of childhood experiences influencing adulthood is apparent in "Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey" by William Wordsworth, you can follow these steps:

First, read the poem carefully and make note of any references or mentions of childhood experiences or memories. In the poem, Wordsworth reflects on his own childhood memories of visiting the Abbey and the impact they have had on his adult self.

One example that supports this theme is when Wordsworth describes the sensory experiences of being in nature as a child and how they continue to bring him joy even in his adult life. He talks about the "steep and lofty cliffs" and the "wild, secluded scene" that were part of his childhood exploration, and how they still affect him with a "sense sublime" as an adult.

Another example is when Wordsworth discusses the concept of the "spots of time" - specific moments from his childhood that are deeply influential on his present self. He believes that these moments, such as his experiences with nature at Tintern Abbey, shape his character and help him find solace and inspiration in adulthood.

By analyzing the poem's language, imagery, and the emotions expressed by Wordsworth, you can further explore how his childhood experiences continue to influence his adult self. Pay attention to the tone and attitude towards nature, memory, and personal growth throughout the poem.

2. To compare John Keats' "Ode to a Nightingale" and Emily Dickinson's "There is a Slant of Light" and understand their commonalities and differences in addressing a particular theme (which is not specified in your question), you can follow these steps:

Read both poems carefully and identify the central theme or subject matter they explore. It can be helpful to take note of repeated or emphasized words, phrases, or images that contribute to the theme's development in each poem.

Once you have identified the theme, look for shared elements or approaches within the poems. Consider the poets' use of language, imagery, tone, and structure to convey their thoughts and emotions related to the theme.

For example, both poems may address themes of nature, beauty, or the fleeting nature of existence. In "Ode to a Nightingale," Keats explores the longing for an immersive escape from reality, while also contemplating the transient nature of joy and the limitations of human existence. Similarly, Dickinson's "There is a Slant of Light" may evoke a sense of transient beauty, inviting reflection on the ephemeral and ethereal aspects of life.

To identify similarities, consider the use of poetic devices such as metaphors, personification, or other literary techniques employed by the poets to convey their ideas. Look for comparable imagery, symbols, or perspectives that both poems share.

To identify differences, focus on each poet's unique style, tone, or perspective regarding the theme. Consider how their individual experiences, cultural contexts, or personal beliefs might influence their approach to the theme.

By comparing and contrasting the poems in terms of their thematic exploration, language, and stylistic choices, you can gain a deeper understanding of how each poet engages with the shared theme in similar and distinct ways.

The place to start is to read the poems. Then think about these questions and see if there are similarities, etc.

No one will take write your assignments for you. You should go back into your text and other study materials, write what YOU THINK for each, and then someone here might be able to check your work for you.