You have been asked to do a survey of student satisfaction with MyMathLab courses at South University. Describe how you would obtain a sample of these types: stratified and simple random

Simple random = just pick students by chance who have taken the course.

Stratified = pick students by chance for each grade level achieved in the course.

Using a Histogram chart, the frequency is 0-24, the Prealgebra Exam Scores are

Scores frequencies

75.5 17

80.5 3

85.5 2

90.5 4

95.5 16

100.5 6

Find the upper class limit of the fifth class.

To obtain a sample of student satisfaction with MyMathLab courses at South University, you can use two different sampling methods: stratified sampling and simple random sampling. Here's how to obtain each type of sample:

1. Stratified Sampling:
Stratified sampling involves dividing the population into subgroups or strata based on specific characteristics or variables. In this case, you might consider dividing the student population into strata based on factors like grade level, course level (e.g., introductory, intermediate, advanced), or major.

To conduct a stratified sample for this survey, follow these steps:

a. Identify the relevant strata: Choose the characteristics or variables that are important for your study, such as grade level or course level.
b. Determine the sample size for each stratum: Decide how many participants you want to include from each subgroup.
c. Randomly select participants from each stratum: Use a random selection method, such as a random number generator or a random selection process, to select the desired number of participants from each subgroup.

By using stratified sampling, you ensure that the sample includes participants from different strata, providing a more representative and balanced representation of the student population at South University.

2. Simple Random Sampling:
Simple random sampling involves randomly selecting participants from the entire population without any stratification or specific criteria. This method ensures that every individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample.

To conduct a simple random sample for this survey, follow these steps:

a. Create a sampling frame: Compile a comprehensive list of all students enrolled in MyMathLab courses at South University. The list should include identification numbers or other unique identifiers.
b. Determine the sample size: Decide on the desired number of participants you want in your sample.
c. Randomly select participants: Use a random selection method, such as a random number generator or a random selection process, to select participants from the sampling frame until your desired sample size is reached.

Simple random sampling is a straightforward method that ensures every student has an equal opportunity to be selected for the survey, thereby minimizing potential biases in the sample.

Remember, when conducting surveys, it's crucial to consider factors like sample size, representativeness, and potential biases to ensure the findings accurately reflect the opinions and satisfaction levels of the broader student population.