Living with People Tip Tip was discovered on an island by some curious explorers. The island was left alone by the modern world for the past several hundred years. When one of the explorers saw the tip of the island, he asked his friends to turn around. Other sailors had always moved along or found the island uninteresting. The island looked barren and lifeless from the outside. These curious sailors would have moved on, too, had they not heard a timid moan on the island. In this manner, the explorers had found a little man with a kind and scared-looking face. They asked many questions to the little man who only replied "Tip Tip" to every word thrown at him. Then, Tip Tip was brought into a world that was based on language.

A theme of this selection is A. there is more to one's life than survival. B. one's mind is as big as his or her dreams. C. honoring brave explorers is important. D. true isolation is difficult to maintain.

I agree.

What do you think?

I think it is "a"

I just had this question and the answer is d.


The theme of this selection is D. true isolation is difficult to maintain.

The passage describes a remote island that has been untouched by the modern world for centuries. The explorers who discover the island initially find it uninteresting and barren, and would have likely moved on if they hadn't heard a sound coming from the island. This indicates that even though the island appeared isolated and lifeless from the outside, there was still someone living there. The little man, Tip Tip, who is found on the island, represents the idea that true isolation is difficult to maintain because even in the most remote and seemingly isolated places, there can still be signs of life and human presence. Therefore, the theme of this selection is that true isolation is difficult to maintain.

No, "d" makes more sense. I believe the answer is "d"

Yes, the correct answer is "d"

I still disagree. What school is this?

The answer is "d"