ABC phone company charges$23 per month plus8¢ per minute of phone calls. XYZ phone company charges$11 per month plus11¢ per minute of phone calls. How many minutes of phone calls in a month make XYZ phone company the better deal?

Well, if you like to chat for hours and hours, I can understand why you're trying to find the better deal! Let's do some math to figure it out.

For ABC phone company, the cost can be represented by the equation 23 + 0.08x, where x is the number of minutes.

For XYZ phone company, the cost can be represented by the equation 11 + 0.11x.

To find out when XYZ becomes the better deal, we need to compare the costs. So let's set up an equation:

23 + 0.08x = 11 + 0.11x

First, let's subtract 0.08x from both sides:

23 = 11 + 0.03x

Next, subtract 11 from both sides:

12 = 0.03x

Now, divide both sides by 0.03:

400 = x

So, if you plan on talking for more than 400 minutes in a month, XYZ becomes the better deal. Anything less than that, and ABC will be your clownishly affordable choice!

To determine which phone company is the better deal, we need to find the number of minutes of phone calls in a month that make XYZ phone company a better choice compared to ABC phone company.

Let's assume the number of minutes of phone calls in a month is represented by 'x'.

For ABC phone company, the total cost in a month is given by:
$23 (monthly charge) + $0.08 (per minute charge) * x (minutes of phone calls)

For XYZ phone company, the total cost in a month is given by:
$11 (monthly charge) + $0.11 (per minute charge) * x (minutes of phone calls)

We want to find the value of 'x' where the total cost for XYZ phone company is less than ABC phone company.

Setting up the inequality:
$11 + $0.11x < $23 + $0.08x

Simplifying the equation:
$0.11x - $0.08x < $23 - $11
$0.03x < $12

Dividing both sides by $0.03:
x < $12 / $0.03
x < 400

Therefore, if the number of minutes of phone calls in a month is less than 400, XYZ phone company is the better deal.

To determine which phone company offers the better deal, we need to compare the costs of both companies based on the number of minutes of phone calls made in a month.

Let's assume "m" represents the number of minutes of phone calls made in a month.

For ABC phone company:
The monthly cost is $23, and the cost per minute is 8¢. Thus, the total cost for ABC phone company in terms of minutes can be calculated as:
Total cost for ABC = $23 + 0.08m (since the cost per minute is 8¢ which can be represented as 0.08 dollars)

For XYZ phone company:
The monthly cost is $11, and the cost per minute is 11¢. Hence, the total cost for XYZ phone company in terms of minutes can be calculated as:
Total cost for XYZ = $11 + 0.11m (since the cost per minute is 11¢ which can be represented as 0.11 dollars)

To find out when XYZ phone company becomes the better deal, we need to set up an inequality by equating the two companies' total costs and solve it. We want to find the minimum number of minutes when XYZ phone company becomes cheaper.

$11 + 0.11m ≤ $23 + 0.08m

Simplifying the inequality:
0.11m - 0.08m ≤ $23 - $11
0.03m ≤ $12
m ≤ $12 / 0.03

Dividing $12 by 0.03:
m ≤ 400

Therefore, if you make 400 minutes or less of phone calls in a month, XYZ phone company will be the better deal. If you make more than 400 minutes, ABC phone company will offer a more cost-effective plan.

.11 m + 11 < .08m + 23

.03 m < 12

m < 400