Er ___ den Rasen.

A. lest
B. liest
C. seht
D. mäht
Wir ___ spazieren.
A. gehen
B. lesen
C. haben
D. besuchen
Sie ___ Rad.
A. liest
B. fährt
C. fahrt
D. lest
___ du sechzehn?
A. Sind
B. Bist
C. Seid
D. Bin

To determine the correct answer for each question, you need to understand the meaning and usage of different verbs in German. Let's break down each question and go through the options one by one:

1. Er ___ den Rasen.
The correct answer is D. mäht.
Explanation: The sentence means "He mows the lawn." Among the given options, "mäht" is the correct form of the verb "mähen," which means "to mow."

2. Wir ___ spazieren.
The correct answer is A. gehen.
Explanation: The sentence means "We go for a walk." Among the options, "gehen" is the correct form of the verb "gehen," which means "to go."

3. Sie ___ Rad.
The correct answer is B. fährt.
Explanation: The sentence means "She rides a bike." Among the options, "fährt" is the correct form of the verb "fahren," which means "to ride" or "to drive."

4. ___ du sechzehn?
The correct answer is B. Bist.
Explanation: The sentence means "Are you sixteen?" Among the options, "bist" is the correct form of the verb "sein," which means "to be" (used for the second-person singular).

In summary:
1. A. lest - incorrect
2. B. liest - incorrect
3. C. seht - incorrect
4. D. mäht - correct

1. A. gehen - correct
2. B. lesen - incorrect
3. C. haben - incorrect
4. D. besuchen - incorrect

1. A. liest - incorrect
2. B. fährt - correct
3. C. fahrt - incorrect
4. D. lest - incorrect

1. A. Sind - incorrect
2. B. Bist - correct
3. C. Seid - incorrect
4. D. Bin - incorrect

Based on the explanations above, the correct answers for each question are:
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. B

these are basic conjugations. Have you consulted your text?

For example, on the last one, you just need to know

wir sind
ich bin
ihr seid
du bist