Christian is 3 times as old as Marie. Marie is 12 years younger than Christian. How old is Christian?

C = 3M

C - M = 12

Substitute 3M for C in the second equation and solve for M. Insert that value into the first equation to solve for C. Check by putting both values into the second equation.

Thank you, PsyDAG. I needed this for a 5th grader.


To find out how old Christian is, let's represent their ages using variables. Let's say Christian's age is C, and Marie's age is M.

According to the information given:
1) Christian is 3 times as old as Marie: C = 3M
2) Marie is 12 years younger than Christian: M = C - 12

Now we have two equations with two variables. We can rearrange the equations to solve for C.

From equation 2, we can substitute C - 12 for M in equation 1:
C = 3(C - 12)

To solve this equation, distribute the 3:
C = 3C - 36

Combine like terms by subtracting 3C from both sides:
C - 3C = -36
-2C = -36

Divide both sides by -2:
C = -36 / -2
C = 18

Therefore, Christian is 18 years old.