write this in exponential form

^7 square root of b

(7 is on outside as an exponent)


7th-root(b) = b^(1/7)

To write ^7 square root of b in exponential form, you can use the property that the square root of a number is equivalent to raising it to the power of 1/2. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Rewrite the square root as a fractional exponent:
^7 square root of b = b^(1/2)

Step 2: Apply the exponent outside the base:
b^(1/2) raised to the power of 7 = (b^(1/2))^7

Step 3: Simplify the expression:
(b^(1/2))^7 = b^(1/2 * 7) = b^(7/2)

Therefore, ^7 square root of b written in exponential form is b^(7/2).