Michelle made 26 more sales calls last month than Allen. Together, they made 120 calls. How many calls were made by Michelle?

A) 47 calls

B) 73 calls

C) 82 calls

D) 94 calls
I think the answer is 94

no. If Allen made x calls, then Michelle made x+26

x + x+26 = 120
2x = 94
x = 47

Allen: 47
Michelle: 47+26=73

47+73 = 120

sorry my cousin did that :(

The question asked for the number of calls from Michelle so you domt have to add. If they asked for the amouont of calls from both people you add and get 120 but you just need her amont of calls


Let x = calls made by Allen

x + x + 26 = 120

120-26=94 then I divided that by 2 = 47? Im sorry Ms Sue Im new to this

its 120 though. You are welcome. IM not being rude thats how i talk

i did the previous reponse again sorry and i believe the answer is 94