Baseball Ticket Prices

Location Average Price
Atlanta $14.42
New York $28.59
Los Angeles $19.67

The table shows the average baseball ticket price for three American cities.
Sarah is going to New York for Spring Break with her friends. They have $130 to spend on going to a baseball game. How many tickets can they buy?
A) 3 tickets
B) 4 tickets **
C) 5 tickets
D) 6 tickets

130/28.59 = 4.54

so yes, 4
and a beer

Yes, B.

To determine how many tickets Sarah and her friends can buy for the baseball game in New York, we'll compare the average ticket price in New York with their available budget.

According to the table, the average ticket price in New York is $28.59. Since they have $130 to spend, we'll divide that amount by the average ticket price:

$130 / $28.59 = 4.54 tickets

Since they cannot buy a fraction of a ticket, we round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, Sarah and her friends can buy 4 tickets.

So the correct answer is B) 4 tickets.