Dominique drove home from work at an average speed of 36 miles per hour. If the distance from her house to her workplace is 5.4 miles, how long did her commute take?

The answer is 9 minutes

9 minutes

time = speed / distance

That still didn’t answer the question... I’m still confused

What is the answer'

Thanks Delaney

To calculate the time it took for Dominique to commute, we need to use the formula: time = distance / speed. In this case, the distance is 5.4 miles, and the average speed is 36 miles per hour.

Let's plug these values into the formula:

time = 5.4 miles / 36 miles per hour

Now, we can simplify this division:

time = 0.15 hours

To convert this into minutes, we need to multiply by 60:

time = 0.15 hours * 60 minutes per hour

Calculating the result:

time = 9 minutes

So, Dominique's commute took 9 minutes.