what is pericles most likely suggesting about greek government

do u know it

The options are ...

A- average citizens did not have the skills to write a constitution
B- Sparta's oilgarchy was a better system than Athens' democracy
C- Athenian democracy was good and innovative type of governing
D-all Greek city states should be ruled by just one united government

To understand what Pericles might be suggesting about Greek government, we first need to have some context about who Pericles was and what his views on governance were.

Pericles was an Athenian statesman and general during the Golden Age of Athens, which was a period of great cultural and political achievements. He played a significant role in shaping Athenian democracy and was known for his eloquent speeches and dedication to the democratic ideals.

Given Pericles' background and beliefs, it is likely that he was suggesting that the Greek government, particularly Athenian democracy, was a successful and effective form of governance. Pericles believed strongly in the power of democracy and the importance of citizen participation in the decision-making process.

One of Pericles' most famous speeches, known as the "Funeral Oration," delivered during a commemoration for fallen soldiers, highlights his views on democracy. In this speech, he praises the Athenian system of government and emphasizes the principle of equality among citizens. He portrays Athens as a model to be admired by other Greek city-states.

To delve deeper into Pericles' specific suggestions about Greek government, it is recommended to study his speeches and writings. By examining his ideas in his own words, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of his views on governance, democracy, and the significance of citizen involvement in the Greek political system.

This sounds much like a multiple choice question without answers.

He suggested many things about Greek government.


He believed people participating in government was very important. He paid people who served. He also encouraged to introduce democracy to other parts of Greece.

But I have no idea what your answer choices are, my crystal ball is not working today.