I've been writing lately, and it's about time that I've gotten a job. So, my question is, if I want t publish and sell the stories I write in my free time, would I have to go to a company to have it published, or can I just make my own cover and publish and sell on my own?

You can do it on your own.

thank you so much, that's great to know


I want to read your book!

If you want to publish and sell the stories you write, you have a couple of different options. One option is to go through a traditional publishing company, where they handle the editing, cover design, distribution, and marketing of your book. This often involves submitting your manuscript to various publishers and agents and going through their selection process.

Another option is self-publishing, where you take on the responsibility of publishing and selling your book independently. Self-publishing has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and others.

To self-publish a book, you can follow these general steps:

1. Prepare your manuscript: Make sure your stories are well-edited and proofread. Formatting your manuscript properly is also important.

2. Create a book cover: Design an eye-catching and professional-looking cover for your book. If you are skilled in design, you can create it yourself, or you can hire a freelance designer to create one for you.

3. Choose a self-publishing platform: Research different self-publishing platforms available, such as Amazon KDP, SmashWords, or Apple iBooks. Consider factors like royalties, distribution options, and ease of use before selecting a platform.

4. Format your book: Convert your manuscript into a format suitable for publishing. Most self-publishing platforms provide guidelines to help you properly format your book.

5. Set a price: Determine the selling price for your book. Consider factors like genre, book length, and market competitiveness.

6. Publish your book: Sign up for an account on your chosen self-publishing platform. Follow their instructions to upload your book, cover, and any additional files required.

7. Market your book: Promoting your book is crucial for sales. Use social media, your personal website or blog, email newsletters, and other promotional strategies to reach potential readers.

8. Track sales and royalties: Monitor your book's sales and royalties through the self-publishing platform's reporting tools. Different platforms offer various methods of tracking sales.

Remember that self-publishing requires effort in terms of editing, marketing, and promotion. If you don't have the time or expertise to handle these aspects, you could consider hiring professionals to assist you with editing, cover design, and marketing.