Find the projection of the line 3x – y +2z – 1 = 0, x +2y – z = 2 on the plane 3x + 2y +z = 0.

To find the projection of a line onto a plane, you can use the method of orthogonal projection. The idea is to find the point on the plane that is closest to the given line.

Step 1: Find the direction vector of the line. To do this, rearrange the equation of the line into vector form:

3x - y + 2z - 1 = 0
⇒ 3x - y + 2z = 1

In vector form, the line equation becomes:

(r - r_0) · n = 0

Where (r - r_0) is the position vector of any point on the line, n is the normal vector to the plane, and · denotes the dot product.

So, the direction vector of the line is (3, -1, 2).

Step 2: Find the normal vector of the given plane. The coefficients of x, y, and z in the equation of the plane represent the normal vector. So, the normal vector of the plane 3x + 2y + z = 0 is (3, 2, 1).

Step 3: Find the scalar projection of the line's direction vector onto the plane's normal vector. The scalar projection is given by the formula:

proj_n v = (v · n) / |n|

Where v is the direction vector of the line and n is the normal vector of the plane.

Let's calculate the scalar projection:

proj_n v = ((3, -1, 2) · (3, 2, 1)) / |(3, 2, 1)|

Using the dot product formula:

proj_n v = (3*3 + (-1)*2 + 2*1) / sqrt(3^2 + 2^2 + 1^2)
= (9 - 2 + 2) / sqrt(14)
= 9 / sqrt(14)

Step 4: Multiply the scalar projection by the normal vector to obtain the projection vector:

proj = (9 / sqrt(14)) * (3, 2, 1)
= (27 / sqrt(14), 18 / sqrt(14), 9 / sqrt(14))

Therefore, the projection of the line 3x - y + 2z - 1 = 0, x + 2y - z = 2 onto the plane 3x + 2y + z = 0 is the vector (27 / sqrt(14), 18 / sqrt(14), 9 / sqrt(14)).

To find the projection of a line onto a plane, we need to find the point of intersection between the line and the plane.

Line: 3x - y + 2z - 1 = 0 ...(1)
x + 2y - z = 2 ...(2)
Plane: 3x + 2y + z = 0 ...(3)

To find the point of intersection, we can solve equations (1), (2), and (3) simultaneously.

First, solve equations (1) and (2) simultaneously:
3x - y + 2z - 1 = 0 ...(1)
x + 2y - z = 2 ...(2)

Multiplying equation (2) by 3 to eliminate 'x', we get:
3x + 6y - 3z = 6 ...(4)

Adding equations (1) and (4), we have:
(3x - y + 2z - 1) + (3x + 6y - 3z) = 0 + 6
6x + 5y - z - 1 = 6
6x + 5y - z = 7 ...(5)

Now, solve equations (5) and (3) simultaneously:
6x + 5y - z = 7 ...(5)
3x + 2y + z = 0 ...(3)

Multiplying equation (3) by 6 to eliminate 'z', we get:
18x + 12y + 6z = 0 ...(6)

Adding equations (5) and (6), we have:
(6x + 5y - z) + (18x + 12y + 6z) = 7 + 0
24x + 17y + 5z = 7

Now, we have the system of equations:
24x + 17y + 5z = 7 ...(7)
3x + 2y + z = 0 ...(3)

To find the point of intersection, we can solve equations (7) and (3) simultaneously.

Multiplying equation (3) by 24 to eliminate 'z', we get:
72x + 48y + 24z = 0 ...(8)

Adding equations (7) and (8), we have:
(24x + 17y + 5z) + (72x + 48y + 24z) = 7 + 0
96x + 65y + 29z = 7

To find the values of 'x', 'y', and 'z', we can now solve equations (8) and (3).

72x + 48y + 24z = 0 ...(8)
3x + 2y + z = 0 ...(3)

Multiplying equation (8) by 12 to eliminate 'z', we get:
864x + 576y + 288z = 0 ...(9)

Adding equations (9) and (3), we have:
(3x + 2y + z) + (864x + 576y + 288z) = 0 + 0
867x + 578y + 289z = 0

Now, we have the system of equations:
867x + 578y + 289z = 0 ...(10)
3x + 2y + z = 0 ...(3)

To find the values of 'x', 'y', and 'z', we can solve equations (10) and (3) simultaneously.

Multiplying equation (3) by 867 to eliminate 'z', we get:
2601x + 1734y + 867z = 0 ...(11)

Adding equations (10) and (11), we have:
(867x + 578y + 289z) + (2601x + 1734y + 867z) = 0 + 0
3468x + 2312y + 1156z = 0

From equation (10), we can let 'x' and 'y' equal to any values (such as 1 and 0, respectively) to find the value of 'z':

867(1) + 578(0) + 289z = 0
867 + 289z = 0
289z = -867
z = -867/289
z = -3

Hence, the point of intersection between the line and the plane is (1, 0, -3).

To find the projection of the line onto the plane, we need to find the point on the plane that is closest to the point of intersection.

Given that the equation of the plane is 3x + 2y + z = 0, we can substitute the values of 'x' and 'y' from the point of intersection to find the value of 'z':

3(1) + 2(0) + z = 0
3 + z = 0
z = -3

Therefore, the projection of the line onto the plane is a point with coordinates (1, 0, -3).

I assume you can find the equation of the line.

The following article should help after that.