There seems to be no one here who is familiar enough with the Quran to answer you at this time.

You are certainly free to use any search engine, but be aware that you will find conflicting and confusing results, as with most online searches.

Sorry we couldn't be of better help.

What does “seven earths” as implied in verse 12 surah at-Talaq actually mean?
Why does the Quran use only a singular noun when describing the earth(or seven earths) in this case whereas when describing seven heavens a plural noun (as-samawat) is used?
Is the word as-samawat introduced by the revelation of the Quran i.e. it was not known to be used before(maybe the Arabs only used the word as-sama’ before the Quran was revealed)?

I will try my best to answer this when I get home. I'm not familiar with it, but may have some resources.

I have been on vacation since Wednesday and am using the computer at the hotel. I hope it's not too late, but I will try my best when I get back.


In all honesty, I don't have a solid answer for this. I did find this:

"Regardless of what the seven heavens are, it is crystal clear that “seven earths” means that there are seven planets like our own, regardless of what the verse as a whole means." on

I don't know how reliable that is.

I would try here:

(Broken Link Removed)

I don't even know enough about the language to answer why it uses singular/plural in different instances.

I hope that resource helps.


I apologize for the confusion and lack of information. As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or access to specific resources at this moment. However, I can provide you with some general guidance on how you can approach finding answers to your questions about the Quran.

1. Utilize search engines: As mentioned before, using search engines like Google or Bing can be a helpful starting point. You can enter specific keywords or phrases related to your question, such as "meaning of seven earths in Quran" or "singular vs. plural nouns in Quran descriptions."

2. Reliable sources: When conducting online research, it's essential to critically evaluate the sources you come across. Look for reputable websites or platforms that provide accurate and reliable information about the Quran. Islamic scholars, academic institutions, or respected Islamic organizations can be good sources of information.

3. Online forums and discussions: Participating in online forums or discussions related to the Quran can provide different perspectives and insights. However, keep in mind that these sources may not always provide authoritative answers, and it's crucial to cross-reference the information you find.

4. Consult Islamic scholars: If you have access to an Islamic scholar or a knowledgeable individual who is well-versed in the Quran, they can provide you with authoritative interpretations and explanations. They may have studied the Quran extensively and are familiar with historical contexts and linguistic nuances.

Remember, it is always advisable to consult multiple sources, critically analyze the information, and consider different perspectives before forming your own understanding.