What substance diffuses across the membrane in osmosis?

A>> glucose

B>> ions

C>> water

D>> amino acids

I'm thinking A




your thinking is askew. What is osmosis? it is the solvent moving from low concentration to high concentration, in this case, water is the solvent

stop it. You have no idea, just guessing.

thank you so much

The substance that diffuses across the membrane in osmosis is C) water.

To understand why the correct answer is water, let's first talk about the process of osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of lower solute concentration (high water concentration) to an area of higher solute concentration (low water concentration) through a selectively permeable membrane. This membrane allows certain substances, like water, to pass through while restricting the movement of other substances.

In the given options, glucose, ions, and amino acids are relatively larger molecules that do not freely pass through the membrane during osmosis. Water, on the other hand, being a small and polar molecule, can easily diffuse across the membrane in response to concentration differences.

So, in osmosis, it is primarily water that moves across the membrane to balance the concentration of solutes on both sides. Therefore, the correct answer is C) water.