Jim ran 2/3 of a 5k race, then walked the rest. How far did walk?

How do I set this problem up?

(1/3) * 15 = _______ km

To set up the problem, first, determine the total distance of the 5k race. A 5k race is equivalent to 5 kilometers.

Next, calculate how much Jim ran. Given that he ran 2/3 of the race, multiply 5 kilometers by 2/3 to find out how far he ran.

Finally, to find out how far Jim walked, subtract the distance he ran from the total distance of the race.

Let's calculate it step by step:

1. Total distance of the race: 5 kilometers.
2. Distance Jim ran: (5 kilometers) * (2/3) = 10/3 kilometers.
3. Distance Jim walked: Total distance of the race - Distance Jim ran = 5 kilometers - (10/3 kilometers).

You may leave it as an improper fraction (10/3 kilometers), or convert it to a mixed number, which would be 3 and 1/3 kilometers.

To set up this problem, we need to find the distance Jim walked after running 2/3 of a 5k race.

First, let's calculate how far Jim ran. We know he ran 2/3 of a 5k race. To find this, multiply 2/3 by 5.

2/3 * 5 = 10/3 = 3 1/3 kilometers

So Jim ran 3 and 1/3 kilometers.

To find the distance Jim walked, we need to subtract the distance he ran from the total distance of the race (5 kilometers).

5 - 3 1/3 = 1 2/3 kilometers

Therefore, Jim walked 1 and 2/3 kilometers.