drawing Lewis structure

1. NH2

2. O

circle around the hydrophilic regions in each structure that

You can tell from the post that we have little control over the spacing. Not only do we not know what you want but it's almost impossible for us to post that on this site.

To determine the hydrophilic regions in each structure, we need to consider the functional groups and the nature of the atoms present.

1. NH2 structure:
In this structure, we have an NH2 group. The nitrogen atom in NH2 has a lone pair of electrons, giving it a partial negative charge. This makes the NH2 group hydrophilic.

Circle: Circle the NH2 group in the structure.

2. OCH2-CH structure:
Here, we have an OCH2-CH functional group. The oxygen atom in this group is connected to a hydrogen atom and two carbon atoms. Oxygen is highly electronegative and has a partial negative charge, while hydrogen has a partial positive charge. This polar nature of the oxygen-hydrogen bond makes this functional group hydrophilic.

Circle: Circle the OCH2-CH functional group in the structure.

Now, that you know the hydrophilic regions, you can identify them by circling the appropriate areas in the structures.

For the first structure, NH2 is the hydrophilic region. It is circled.

For the second structure, the O atom in the hydroxyl group (OH) and the O atom in the ether group (OCH2) are the hydrophilic regions. They are circled.