Yin's average call lasted 3.25 minutes. How much did an average call cost? (Background info: cellphone plan: 30 a month.)

Need more data. How much time does the plan allow each month?

To determine the cost of an average call, we need to consider the total number of minutes included in Yin's cellphone plan. If the plan costs $30 per month, we would need to know the number of minutes included in this plan. Please provide that information so I can calculate the cost of an average call accurately.

To calculate the cost of an average call, we need to know the price per minute for Yin's cellphone plan. The given information states that Yin's cellphone plan costs $30 per month, but it does not mention how many minutes are included in that plan.

If we assume that Yin's plan includes a certain number of minutes, we can divide the total monthly cost by the number of minutes to find the price per minute. For example, if Yin's plan includes 500 minutes, the price per minute can be calculated as:

Price per minute = Total monthly cost / Number of minutes

However, without the specific number of minutes included in Yin's plan, it is not possible to determine the price per minute or calculate the cost of an average call accurately.