Which number is in scientific notation

A. 3.4 x 100^2
B. -5x10^-12***
C. 0.84x10^6
D. 7.8x10^5

Oh sorry typo the question is which number is Written in sceintific notation

I tried a and it was wrong

Scientific notation consists of a number between 1 and 10, multiplied by a power of 10.

I see only one that fits this.

The number in scientific notation is B. -5x10^-12.

To determine the number in scientific notation, we look for numbers written in the form A x 10^B, where A is a decimal number greater than or equal to 1 (but less than 10) and B is an integer.

Let's go through the options one by one:

A. 3.4 x 100^2: This is not in scientific notation because the exponent is not a simple integer. In scientific notation, the exponent should be a simple integer power of 10.

B. -5x10^-12: This is in scientific notation because it is written in the form A x 10^B, where A is -5 (a decimal number) and B is -12 (an integer). Therefore, -5x10^-12 is the number in scientific notation.

C. 0.84x10^6: This is in scientific notation because it is written in the form A x 10^B, where A is 0.84 (a decimal number) and B is 6 (an integer).

D. 7.8x10^5: This is in scientific notation because it is written in the form A x 10^B, where A is 7.8 (a decimal number) and B is 5 (an integer).

So, the correct answer is B. -5x10^-12.