It costs Luis $5 to park his car at a parking meter for 2 hours. What is the price to park for 1 hour? Write a word sentence to help you solve the problem. Then write and solve a multiplication equation.

Please help me.

1 is half of 2, so the charge will be half of 5

Thank you so much my grandmother and my mom and me could not figure this out and i wasn't in class to learn it so thank you so so so so so so so so much.

To find the cost of parking for 1 hour, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

Let's define:
x = the cost to park for 1 hour

According to the problem, the cost to park for 2 hours is $5. Therefore, we can set up the following proportion:

2 hours / $5 = 1 hour / x

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

2x = 1 * $5
2x = $5
x = $5 / 2
x = $2.50

So, the price to park for 1 hour is $2.50.

Word sentence to solve the problem: The cost of parking for 1 hour can be found by setting up a proportion with 2 hours/$5 = 1 hour/x and solving for x.

Multiplication equation: 2x = $5