What data are represented by the stem-and-leaf plot below?

3)(7 8 9
4)(1 3 7
5)(2 4

Key: 4 | 1 means 41

No stem-and-leaf plot. Cannot copy and paste here.

I hate u😡😡😡

To determine the data represented by the stem-and-leaf plot, you need to understand how the plot is constructed and interpreted.

In a stem-and-leaf plot, the stems represent the tens digit of the data, and the leaves represent the ones digit. The digits are organized in ascending order within each stem.

Looking at the plot you provided:

3)(7 8 9
4)(1 3 7
5)(2 4

The stems are 3, 4, and 5, representing the tens digit. The leaves are the ones digit. Using the key:

4 | 1 means 41

This means that there is a 4 in the tens place (stem) and a 1 in the ones place (leaf). Therefore, the data represented by the stem-and-leaf plot is: 31, 37, 38, 41, 47, 52, and 54.