What is a good definition for electricial charge? (I can't put in good words)


A form of charge, designated positive, negative, or zero, found on the elementary particles that make up all known matter

An electric charge is a fundamental unit if matter. It has the characteristic of being moved by changing magnetic fields, and vice versa..moving electrical charge creats changing magnetic fields. Electric charge is either positive, negative, or neutral, all matter has electric charge.

THank you

Electrical charge refers to a fundamental property of matter that gives rise to electromagnetic interactions. It is a physical property of particles that determines how they interact with electric and magnetic fields. To provide a comprehensive definition, we can consider the following:

"Electrical charge is a fundamental property of matter, characterized by the presence of either positive or negative electric charges on particles. It quantifies the amount of electric force an object experiences in an electric field and is responsible for the attraction or repulsion between charged objects. The unit of electrical charge is the Coulomb (C). Positively charged particles have an excess of protons, while negatively charged particles have an excess of electrons. Electric charge plays a central role in various phenomena, including the flow of current in electric circuits and the generation of electromagnetic waves."

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