Which of the following expressions is between 10 and 11?

hmmmm. something is missing


To determine which expression is between 10 and 11, we need to evaluate each expression and compare the results.

Let's consider the following expressions:

Expression 1: 9.8
Expression 2: 10.5
Expression 3: 11.2

We can start by comparing Expression 1, 9.8. Since 9.8 is less than 10, it is not between 10 and 11.

Next, let's compare Expression 2, 10.5. Since 10.5 is between 10 and 11, it is the expression that falls between the two values.

Lastly, let's compare Expression 3, 11.2. Since 11.2 is greater than 11, it is not between 10 and 11.

Therefore, the expression that is between 10 and 11 is Expression 2: 10.5.