What's the metaphor?


The Toaster

A silver-scaled dragon with jaws flaming red
sits at my elbow and toasts my bread.
I hand him fat slices, and then, one by one,
He hands them back when he sees they are done.

1. What two things are beng compared in this poem?

Answer: A dragon and a toaster.

2. What do the two things have in common?

Answer: they both have the ability to toast bread.

Those are the questions I have to answer using the poem above.
Can someone please check #2.
I need to know is that the only thing it has in common or are there others that I've missed.

Thank you.

nope, they both have "mouths"; they both have "flame" ; a dragon, like a toaster, can be silver.

You might want to check this site for an addition.


Based on the given poem, the only thing that the dragon and the toaster have in common is the ability to toast bread. There are no other similarities mentioned in the poem.

Upon analyzing the poem "The Toaster," it seems that the only similarity between the dragon and the toaster is their ability to toast bread. The dragon is described as a silver-scaled creature with flaming red jaws, while the toaster is a household appliance. There are no other explicit similarities mentioned in the poem, so it can be assumed that the comparison primarily revolves around their shared function of toasting bread.