How would you connect new study material to areas that you’re already familiar with?

I'm unsure what you mean by connect, do you mean relate new concepts to things you already know? Usually by finding how the thing you already know is related or how it functions as a key piece to the new concept.

Are they in the same subject area? Do the new materials ADD to what you already know? Do they help explain something you've studied or learned about elsewhere? You may already know a tulip from a daffodil, but does knowing how to plant bulbs relate to how to grow them, or how somebody else grows them for you to see? How does learning about mass media help you when you're watching TV? Are the two concepts related? Are a war and learning about it's aftermath related? You already know about the war, but now new material tells you how if affected what came after. Or are they separate, unrelated things with no connection?

To connect new study material to areas you're already familiar with, follow these steps:

1. Identify the new study material: Understand what the new material entails. Is it a new concept, theory, or skill? Clearly define what you need to learn.

2. Evaluate your existing knowledge: Take time to assess your current understanding of the topic you're already familiar with. Consider the depth of your knowledge and any gaps that may exist.

3. Identify relevant connections: Look for links or similarities between the new study material and the areas you're already familiar with. Ask yourself questions like: Are there similar concepts or principles? Do they share any common assumptions or approaches? Are there any related theories or frameworks?

4. Make associations: Once you identify the connections, make intentional associations between the new material and your existing knowledge. Create mental links that help you remember and recall information. For example, you could visualize connections, use metaphors, or draw diagrams to link different concepts.

5. Use analogies or examples: Relate the new material to real-life examples or situations you're already familiar with. This helps you bridge the gap between abstract concepts and practical applications.

6. Practice and apply: Actively engage with the new material by practicing and applying what you've learned. Try to solve problems or answer questions that require you to use both the new and familiar knowledge. This solidifies the connection and reinforces the learning process.

7. Reflect and review: Regularly reflect on your progress and review the connections you've made between the new and familiar material. Assess your understanding and identify any areas that need further reinforcement or clarification.

By deliberately linking new study material to areas you're already familiar with, you can leverage your existing knowledge to enhance learning and retention.