how did the supreme court decision in Worcester V.Georgia and the Indian removal act lead to the removal and resettlement of native Americans groups?



A year later, they reversed themselves, and it made President Jackson mad, and he refused to abide by the court ruling, and moved the Indians out.

Ya'll need to chill Ms. Sue is helpful. She gave you a website to look into the answer, no need to be mad.

The Supreme Court decision in Worcester v. Georgia and the Indian Removal Act played significant roles in the removal and resettlement of Native American groups. Here's how it happened:

1. Worcester v. Georgia: In this landmark 1832 case, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Georgia did not have the authority to regulate the Cherokee Nation or its lands. The Court acknowledged the tribal sovereignty and stated that only the federal government had the power to make decisions regarding Native American affairs.

2. Indian Removal Act: Shortly after the Worcester decision, in 1830, President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law. This act provided the legal framework for the forced removal of Native American tribes from their ancestral lands in the southeastern United States to designated territories west of the Mississippi River.

3. Defiance and Eviction: Despite the Supreme Court's ruling in Worcester, both Georgia and the federal government disregarded it. Georgia passed laws designed to undermine Cherokee sovereignty while the federal government negotiated treaties that forced Native American tribes to surrender their lands in exchange for new territories in the west.

4. Trail of Tears: The forced removal reached its peak with the implementation of the Indian Removal Act. Thousands of Native Americans, primarily from the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole tribes, were forcibly relocated to the Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma). The journey, known as the Trail of Tears, was filled with immense suffering and loss of life due to harsh conditions, disease, and displacement.

In summary, the Supreme Court decision in Worcester v. Georgia recognized tribal sovereignty, but the subsequent passage of the Indian Removal Act by the federal government, along with the defiance of Georgia, led to the forced removal and resettlement of Native American groups, culminating in the tragic Trail of Tears.

way to promote cheating Ms. Sue!

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