Which accurately describes the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte’s power to overthrow the French government?

Here is the answer. (A successful general of the French army, he led a coup d’etat against the French Directory.) You're welcome.

None of the above.

You didn't even put possible answers. What do you expect to get?

Is it a? lol

Thanks, sam!


To accurately describe the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte's power in overthrowing the French government, we need to look at the key events and factors that contributed to his ascent. Here is a step-by-step guide to understanding it:

1. French Revolution: The French Revolution of 1789 was a period of radical political and social change in France. It started as a movement for political reforms but quickly turned into a more radical revolution. This revolution paved the way for Napoleon's rise, as the political instability created an environment where ambitious military leaders could seize power.

2. Military career: Napoleon Bonaparte, born on August 15, 1769, in Corsica, joined the military at a young age. Through his military achievements, he quickly rose through the ranks, displaying exceptional military skills and strategic brilliance.

3. Italian Campaign: One of the key turning points in Napoleon's rise was his successful Italian Campaign (1796-1797). As a young general, he led the French army to victory against multiple Italian states allied against France. This military success brought him fame and established his reputation as a brilliant military leader.

4. Coup d'État: In November 1799, Napoleon, along with a group of supporters, executed a successful coup d'état against the French Directory. The Directory was the governing body that had come into power after the Reign of Terror. The coup allowed Napoleon to establish a new government known as the Consulate, with himself as the First Consul, effectively making him the ruler of France.

5. Napoleonic Code: As the First Consul, Napoleon introduced significant reforms, including the Napoleonic Code. This legal system simplified and standardized the laws of France, promoting equality and justice. The code had a lasting impact on European legal systems and was one of Napoleon's significant achievements.

6. Emperor of the French: In 1804, Napoleon declared himself Emperor of the French, further consolidating his power. By this point, he had centralized political control, expanded the French empire, and gained extensive popularity.

Overall, Napoleon's rise to power involved a combination of strategic military victories, political maneuvering, and taking advantage of the political and social turmoil during the French Revolution.