Antonyms of

Pestilence : ??
Arbitrate: Ignore??

Deportment: ? ( in the definition a persons manners/behavior)
Caricature : Seriousness?
Touchous: Relaxed?
Vigil : disregard

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To find antonyms for words, you can use a variety of resources such as dictionaries, thesauruses, or online search engines. Here are some possible antonyms for the given words:

1. Pestilence: To find the antonym for "pestilence," you could use a thesaurus or online search. Possible antonyms may include "health," "well-being," or "blessing."

2. Arbitrate: To find the antonym for "arbitrate," you could again use a thesaurus or online search. Possible antonyms may include "quarrel," "fight," or "disagree."

3. Deportment: The antonym for "deportment," which relates to a person's manners or behavior, could be "misbehavior," "rudeness," or "impropriety."

4. Caricature: The antonym for "caricature," which refers to a humorous representation or exaggerated likeness, could be "realism," "accuracy," or "serious depiction."

5. Touchous: The word "touchous" is less common and may not have widely recognized antonyms. However, as it relates to being easily offended, a possible antonym could be "unbothered," "indifferent," or "nonchalant."

6. Vigil: To find the antonym for "vigil," which means being watchful or alert, you could use a thesaurus or online search for options such as "neglect," "carelessness," or "inattention." However, note that these are not necessarily direct antonyms, but rather terms with contrasting meanings in this context.