1.What are the cultural traits of Russia?

2.What is the main religion of Russia?



Ms. Sue's links should help very well!

I believe 2 is Orthodox Christian, I immediately thought that because I have went to Russia many times, and to double check my answer, I used Google.

I could not find any thing

To find the answers to your questions, you can follow these steps:

1. Cultural traits of Russia:
- Search the internet using keywords like "cultural traits of Russia" or "Russian culture."
- Look for reputable sources such as government websites, educational institutions, or anthropological studies.
- Read articles, books, or academic papers that discuss the cultural aspects of Russia, including its traditions, customs, language, art, music, literature, cuisine, and social norms.

2. Main religion of Russia:
- Search the internet using keywords like "main religion of Russia" or "religion in Russia."
- Look for reliable sources such as demographic studies, religious surveys, or government reports.
- Find information on the religious landscape of Russia, including the dominant religious affiliations and the percentage of the population that adheres to each faith.
- Consider looking into historical developments or any changes in religious demographics over time.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find to ensure they are reliable and from reputable organizations or experts in the field.