Write the equations described below.

a) an addition equation with one variable that has a solution of 3

b) a subtraction equation with one variable that has a solution of 2/3

5 - n = 2/3

a) To write an addition equation with one variable that has a solution of 3, we can use the variable x.

The equation would be: x + 0 = 3

Explanation: We add 0 to x because anything added to 0 remains the same. In this case, by adding 0 to x, we ensure that the solution remains 3.

b) To write a subtraction equation with one variable that has a solution of 2/3, we can again use the variable x.

The equation would be: x - 0 = 2/3

Explanation: We subtract 0 from x because subtracting 0 does not change the value of x. In this case, by subtracting 0 from x, we ensure that the solution remains 2/3.

Your wrong Ms.Sue.

2 + n = 5

5 - n = 2/3