Which of the following is not part of the process of producing electricity from coal?

1. Coal is lifted onto a platform to give it potential energy before burning.

2. Coal must be burned to release heat.

3. Heating water produces steam.

4. Steam runs a turbine that generates electricity.

i think is 2 or 3

Both 2 and 3 are necessary to produce electricity from coal. If you're guessing, and I assume you are, you have a 50% chance now of getting it right.

not true, it is the first one

but sorry

The correct answer is 1. Coal is lifted onto a platform to give it potential energy before burning.

To determine which of the options is not part of the process of producing electricity from coal, we can analyze each statement in context.

1. Coal is lifted onto a platform to give it potential energy before burning.
This statement describes the process of elevating coal onto a platform to provide it with potential energy before combustion. It is a step commonly found in coal-fired power plants, and thus is typically part of the process of producing electricity from coal.

2. Coal must be burned to release heat.
This statement accurately describes an essential step in the process. Coal combustion releases heat, which is required in the subsequent steps to generate electricity. Therefore, statement 2 is part of the process.

3. Heating water produces steam.
This statement is also an accurate representation of the process. After coal is burned, water is heated using the heat generated. The high temperature of the water leads to the production of steam, which is used in the next step.

4. Steam runs a turbine that generates electricity.
This statement is correct as well. Once the steam is produced, it is used to drive a turbine. The rotational motion of the turbine is then converted into electricity by a generator, ultimately resulting in the production of electricity.

Based on the analysis above, all four statements appear to be part of the process of producing electricity from coal. Therefore, none of the given options are incorrect in relation to the coal electricity generation process.