Sally and Mercian each have some money,if sally spend$45perbday and mervin spent 15 each day,sally would have $120 left by the time mervin spent his money if sally spent$15each day,Marvin spent $45 each day,sally would have 1080 left by the time Marvin spent all his money how much do they have altogether




Do you see the typo in the question as posted?

Naughty, naughty!

To solve this problem, we will use a system of equations. Let's assume Sally has "S" dollars and Mervin has "M" dollars.

From the given information:

1) If Sally spends $45 per day and Mervin spends $15 per day, Sally would have $120 left by the time Mervin spent his money. This can be written as:
S - 45d = 120 Eq(1)

2) If Sally spends $15 per day and Mervin spends $45 per day, Sally would have $1080 left by the time Mervin spent all his money. This can be written as:
S - 15d = 1080 Eq(2)

To find the values of S and M, we'll solve this system of equations.

First, let's solve Eq(1) for S in terms of d:
S = 45d + 120

Now, substitute this value of S into Eq(2):
45d + 120 - 15d = 1080

Combine like terms:
30d + 120 = 1080

30d = 960

Divide both sides by 30:
d = 32

Now, substitute d = 32 into either Eq(1) or Eq(2) to find the values of S and M. Let's use Eq(1):
S = 45(32) + 120
S = 1440

So, Sally has $1440 and since Mervin has the remaining money, he has:
M = S - 45d
M = 1440 - 45(32)
M = 1440 - 1440
M = 0

Therefore, Sally has $1440 and Mervin has $0.

To find the total amount of money they have altogether:
Total = Sally's money + Mervin's money
Total = $1440 + $0
Total = $1440

So, Sally and Mervin have a total of $1440 altogether.