broom:sweep::brush:_ _ _ _ _

A broom sweeps.

What does a brush do?

there are several verbs that can fit, scrub comes to mind, but I assure you there is no right answer here, brushes can do several things. Paint comes to mind also.



To find the missing word that completes the analogy "broom:sweep::brush:_ _ _ _ _," we need to determine the relationship between the words in the first pair, and then apply the same relationship to the second pair.

In this analogy, a broom is a tool that is used for sweeping. Therefore, we have to find a tool that is used for something related to the word "brush."

One possible answer could be "paint." A brush is a tool used for painting, so the missing word would be "paint."

Alternatively, another answer could be "clean." A brush can be used for cleaning various surfaces, so the missing word could be "clean."

Therefore, the missing word that completes the analogy could be either "paint" or "clean."