How many times greater is the half-life of 24Na (15 hours) to that of 216Po (0.15 seconds)

Half-time of 24 Na (15hrs) would be 54000 seconds while 216Po would be 0.15s. Because it says how many times *greater*, I opt to divide 54000 seconds by 0.15 seconds which would equal 360000. The answer is 4.4*10^10 (44000000000). I can't seem to get this.. could some please tell me what I did wrong? Thanks.

15hr* 3600s/hr = 54000s

54000/0.15 = 360,000

you are correct. Something's messed up here.

Alright, thank you Steve. If it really is the case that the answers were wrong, I will hate myself so much for spending more than half an hour trying to figure what's wrong, more so, posting the question on the Internet...

It seems like an error was made in the calculation. Let's go through the steps again.

To find out how many times greater the half-life of 24Na (15 hours) is compared to that of 216Po (0.15 seconds), we need to calculate the ratio between their half-lives.

First, let's convert the half-life of 24Na to seconds. Since there are 3600 seconds in an hour, the half-life of 24Na can be calculated as:

15 hours * 3600 seconds/hour = 54,000 seconds

Now we have the half-life of 24Na as 54,000 seconds and the half-life of 216Po as 0.15 seconds.

To calculate the ratio, we divide the half-life of 24Na by the half-life of 216Po:

54,000 seconds ÷ 0.15 seconds = 360,000

So, the half-life of 24Na is 360,000 times greater than the half-life of 216Po.

There was a typo in the previous response that stated 4.4 * 10^10, which is incorrect. The correct answer is 360,000.

To find out how many times greater the half-life of 24Na (15 hours) is compared to 216Po (0.15 seconds), you have the right approach. However, there is a mistake in the calculation that results in an incorrect answer.

To calculate how many times greater one value is compared to another, you divide the larger value by the smaller value. In this case, 54000 seconds (the half-life of 24Na) should be divided by 0.15 seconds (the half-life of 216Po).

So, the correct calculation is:

54000 seconds / 0.15 seconds = 360,000 times

Therefore, the correct answer is that the half-life of 24Na is 360,000 times greater than the half-life of 216Po.