Write a simile to finish each sentence.

1. The old man's legs moved as slowly and as awkwardly as...

2. His face fell in folds like...

3. His eyes were grey like old snow.

4. His body looked old and used like..

5. His smile was as young as...

6. He called his dog with a whistle as sharp as shattered glass.

7. The dog's response was as eager as a baby bird getting fed.

8. HIs tail wagged like...

9. The old man petted him as tenderly as he would...

10. The old man's eyes began to shine like a star.

11. The love between the two was as warm as hot chocolate on a cold winter's day.

Need help with #'s 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9.

Any help is appreciated.

this stuff is dumb

Cloudy clouds

Certainly! Here are some similes to complete the sentences:

1. The old man's legs moved as slowly and as awkwardly as a tortoise crossing a field.

To come up with this simile, think about something that is known for its slow and awkward movement, such as a tortoise. By comparing the old man's legs to the tortoise's movement, you emphasize the slowness and awkwardness.

2. His face fell in folds like a crumpled piece of paper.

For this simile, draw a parallel between the folds on the old man's face and a crumpled piece of paper. This comparison helps to paint a vivid image of deep creases and wrinkles in his face.

4. His body looked old and used like a well-worn book.

Think about a book that has been read countless times, with worn-out pages and faded covers. Comparing the old man's body to a well-worn book evokes the sense of age and weariness.

5. His smile was as young as a blooming flower.

Use the image of a flower in full bloom to illustrate the freshness and youthfulness of the old man's smile. This comparison highlights the contrast between his aging physical appearance and the vitality of his smile.

8. His tail wagged like a metronome.

Imagine a metronome rhythmically swinging back and forth. Comparing the wagging of the dog's tail to the movement of a metronome adds a sense of precision and regularity.

9. The old man petted him as tenderly as he would stroke a baby's cheek.

Imagine the gentle touch you might use to stroke a baby's soft cheek. By comparing the old man's tender petting to the careful stroke of a baby's cheek, you convey a sense of warmth and gentleness.

I hope these suggestions help!

1. a toddler's? a fish's?

2. a curtain? a paper airplane?

3. last week's leftovers? favorite pair of jeans?

the old man petted him as tenderly as he would...

Brick house


I need 5