1 inch is 400 miles

If the actual distance from San Antonio to Houston is 200 miles which of the following should be the measure between the two cities?





My answer is C

C is correct.

To determine the measure between San Antonio and Houston using the given scale of 1 inch representing 400 miles, we can set up a proportion:

1 inch / 400 miles = x inch / 200 miles

Cross multiplying, we have:

1 * 200 = 400 * x

200 = 400x

Dividing both sides by 400:

200/400 = x

Simplifying, we get:

1/2 = x

Therefore, the measure between San Antonio and Houston should be represented by 1/2 inch on the map. So, your answer of C is correct.

To determine the correct answer, you need to use the given conversion ratio. According to the information provided, 1 inch is equal to 400 miles.

To find the measure between San Antonio and Houston, you would need to convert the actual distance, which is 200 miles, into inches using the given conversion ratio.

To convert miles to inches, you can set up a proportion:

1 inch / 400 miles = x inches / 200 miles

To solve for x, you can cross-multiply and then divide:

1 inch * 200 miles = 400 miles * x inches

200 inches = 400 miles * x inches

Divide both sides of the equation by 400 miles to solve for x:

200 inches / 400 miles = x inches

Simplifying, we find that x = 1/2 inch.

Therefore, the measure between San Antonio and Houston should be 1/2 inch. So the correct answer is C.