

2x + 3 x - 6 - 3x + 18

now collect like terms


Like terms are those with an unknown and those without unknowns.

Thank you

2 cows + 3 cows -6 -3 cows + 18

To simplify the expression 2x + 3(x - 2) - 3(x - 6), you need to apply the distributive property, combine like terms, and perform the indicated operations.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Distribute the 3 to terms inside the parentheses:

2x + 3 * x - 3 * 2 - 3 * (x - 6)

After distributing, the expression becomes:
2x + 3x - 6 - 3x + 18

2. Combine like terms:

2x + 3x - 3x - 6 + 18

Combine the x terms and the constant terms separately:

(2x + 3x - 3x) + (-6 + 18)

2x cancels out the 3x, leaving just x:

2x + (-6 + 18)

Simplify the constant terms:

2x + 12

So, the simplified expression is 2x + 12.