which is an example of a n ethical dilemma?

an investment bank chooses to earn the biggest profit possible even though it hurts the clients

a firm will not hire or retain you unless the value of yoru contributions is greater than your cost

an investment bank chooses to look after the interest of the clients instead of earning the biggest profit possible

a firm will hire or retain you because the value of your contributes is greater than your cost

i choose c. is it correct?


i think its d.....

It's neither c nor d.

You've used up your two guesses. Please do not post this question again.

An example of an ethical dilemma is when an investment bank chooses to earn the biggest profit possible even though it may hurt the clients. In this situation, the bank faces a difficult decision because maximizing profit may involve compromising the best interests and well-being of their clients. This raises ethical concerns as the bank must weigh their financial goals against their obligations to act in the best interests of their clients.

To identify an ethical dilemma, it is important to look for situations where there are conflicting values or principles at play. The options available in the given choices highlight different considerations, and by evaluating them, we can determine which one presents an ethical dilemma.

In the options provided, the first choice where the investment bank chooses to earn the biggest profit possible even at the expense of the clients clearly represents an ethical dilemma. It involves a conflict between pursuing financial gain and fulfilling the bank's fiduciary duty towards its clients.

The other options do not necessarily present an ethical dilemma. The second choice suggests that a firm will only hire or retain an individual if their contributions exceed their cost. While this may involve a rational assessment of productivity and cost-effectiveness, it does not inherently contradict ethical principles.

The third choice, where an investment bank chooses to prioritize the interests of their clients instead of maximizing profits, aligns with ethical considerations. It demonstrates a commitment to acting in accordance with the best interests of clients and maintaining trust and integrity.

Similarly, the fourth choice, where a firm hires or retains an individual based on their contributions being greater than their cost, does not inherently involve an ethical dilemma. It represents a rational decision-making process in assessing an individual's value to the organization.

It is worth noting that ethical dilemmas can be subjective and dependent on individual perspectives and values. However, in the given options, the first choice clearly represents a classic example of an ethical dilemma in a business context.