Choose the best paraphrase of the lines from the limerick.

Said the fly “Let us flee.” / “Let us fly.” said the flea. / So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

A) The 2 insects had to get out, so they flew through the chimney even though it was hot.

B) The fly and the flea agreed to escape, so they flew through a crack in the chimney.

C) The flea and the fly agreed that they needed to escape on a dog named Flue.

D) The fly and the flea agreed it was time to leave because the humans in the house had the flu.

I think it’s C, I really don’t know. Help please!!!

I researched the a limerick real quick I believe the answer is B because I don't see a mention of a dog anywhere. Also a flue is used for a duct for waste gas, and that sounds similar to a chimney. Hope this helps!

To determine the correct paraphrase of the lines from the limerick, let's analyze the original lines: "Said the fly 'Let us flee.' / 'Let us fly,' said the flea. / So they flew through a flaw in the flue."

In these lines, the fly and the flea are discussing their plan to escape, and they successfully execute it by flying through a flaw in the flue.

Let's look at the options:

A) The option suggests that the insects flew through the chimney, even though it was hot. However, it does not mention anything about a flaw in the flue, which is crucial in understanding the limerick. Thus, this paraphrase does not accurately capture the meaning of the lines.

B) This option correctly mentions that the fly and the flea agreed to escape, and they flew through a crack in the chimney. It also includes the mention of a flaw in the flue. This paraphrase effectively captures the meaning of the lines and is likely the best choice.

C) This option suggests that the flea and the fly planned to escape on a dog named Flue. However, this does not align with the original lines, as there is no mention of a dog or the insects using it as a means of escape. Therefore, this is not an accurate paraphrase.

D) This option references humans having the flu, which is unrelated to the original lines. The limerick does not mention anything about humans being sick, so this paraphrase does not hold true to the meaning of the lines.

Based on the analysis, option B, "The fly and the flea agreed to escape, so they flew through a crack in the chimney," appears to be the best paraphrase as it accurately captures the main idea of the original lines.

When you encounter a word you don't know, like "flue", look it up. It's easy.

no C is not correct but if you go back and reread it you should be able to figure it out