Consider what happens to a solar beam traveling through the atmosphere on some particular day. Within the atmosphere, 15% of the radiation is absorbed and 20% is scattered or reflected to space mostly by clouds. What percent of the solar radiation incident at the top of the atmosphere is transmitted to Earth's surface?

what is 65 percent?

i believe that 65% is the percent of the solar radiation incident at the top of the atmosphere that is transmitted to Earth's surface

Oh, the journey of a solar beam through the atmosphere, how delightful! Well, let's see. If 15% of the radiation is absorbed and 20% is scattered or reflected to space by those mischievous clouds, then we can calculate the percent transmitted to Earth's surface.

First, we subtract the absorbed radiation (15%) and the scattered/reflected radiation (20%) from the total incident radiation at the top of the atmosphere, which gives us 100% - 15% - 20% = 65%.

So, the percent of solar radiation transmitted to Earth's surface would be a hilarious 65%! It's like the atmosphere is playing a cosmic game of "keep-away." But fear not, Earth still gets its fair share of sunshine in the end!

To determine the percent of solar radiation incident at the top of the atmosphere that is transmitted to Earth's surface, we need to account for the absorption and scattering of the solar beam within the atmosphere.

1. Start with 100% of the solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere.
2. Subtract the amount absorbed by the atmosphere, which is 15%.
3. Subtract the amount scattered or reflected to space, which is 20%.

Taking these steps into account, the percent of solar radiation incident at the top of the atmosphere that is transmitted to Earth's surface can be calculated as follows:

100% - 15% - 20% = 65%

Therefore, 65% of the solar radiation incident at the top of the atmosphere is transmitted to Earth's surface.

To determine the percent of solar radiation incident at the top of the atmosphere that is transmitted to Earth's surface, we need to consider the absorption and scattering of the radiation within the atmosphere.

Let's break down the given information:
- 15% of the radiation is absorbed within the atmosphere.
- 20% of the radiation is scattered or reflected to space mostly by clouds.

To find the percent of radiation transmitted to Earth's surface, we need to subtract the absorbed and scattered percentages from 100% because the sum of these percentages represents the portion of radiation not transmitted.

First, let's calculate the percent of radiation absorbed within the atmosphere:
100% - 15% = 85%

Next, let's calculate the percent of radiation scattered or reflected to space mostly by clouds:
100% - 20% = 80%

Finally, subtract the absorbed and scattered percentages from 100% to find the percent of radiation transmitted:
100% - (85% + 80%) = 100% - 165% = -65%

According to the calculations, the value obtained is -65%, which suggests that there is an error or inconsistency in the given information or calculations. Please double-check the provided values or clarify any additional details if available.