Which of the following describes the Badlands millions of years ago?

A. Rivers, wind, and rain carved the
B. There were dry hills and sharp, rocky
C. Rivers flowed through a lush, green
D. The land was filled with jagged rocks
and steep canyons.

What does your text say?


D. The land was filled with jagged rocks and steep canyons

To determine which option describes the Badlands millions of years ago, we can analyze the information given in each option. Let's go through each option:

A. Rivers, wind, and rain carved the land.
This option suggests that the Badlands were shaped by the forces of rivers, wind, and rain over the course of millions of years. These erosive factors are known to be significant in shaping landscapes, so this is a possibility.

B. There were dry hills and sharp, rocky cliffs.
This option describes the presence of dry hills and sharp, rocky cliffs in the Badlands. While this could be true, it doesn't specifically address the geological processes that formed the area millions of years ago.

C. Rivers flowed through a lush, green plain.
This option suggests that the Badlands were characterized by rivers flowing through a lush, green plain. However, the Badlands are typically known for their arid environment and lack of vegetation, so this option is less likely.

D. The land was filled with jagged rocks and steep canyons.
This option describes a landscape with jagged rocks and steep canyons in the Badlands. While it doesn't specifically mention the processes that shaped the land, it aligns with the rugged and eroded nature of the area.

Based on the analysis, option D – "The land was filled with jagged rocks and steep canyons" – seems to be the most accurate description of the Badlands millions of years ago.