How do i work out the LINEAR ACCELERATION (and LINEAR VELOCITY) for a point on the circumference of the FLYWHEEL at its max ROTATIONAL VELOCITY

tangential velociy= angular speed* radius

where angular speed is in rad/sec

tangential acceleration at max velocity. Normally, at max velocity, change in velocity is zero, so linear acceleration would be zero.

I don't have a clue what you mean by "linear" velocity and "linear" acceleration, unless you meant in the direction of the tangential.

To work out the linear acceleration and linear velocity for a point on the circumference of a flywheel at its maximum rotational velocity, you need to know the rotational velocity and the radius of the flywheel. Here's how you can calculate them:

1. Find the rotational velocity: The rotational velocity, often denoted as ω (omega), is the rate at which the flywheel rotates. It is typically measured in radians per second (rad/s). If you know the number of revolutions per minute (RPM) of the flywheel, you can convert it to radians per second by using the formula:

ω = (2π * RPM) / 60

where π (pi) is approximately 3.14159.

2. Determine the radius: The radius, denoted as r, is the distance from the center of the flywheel to the point on its circumference. This distance remains constant for all points on the flywheel. Measure this distance in meters (m).

With the rotational velocity (ω) and radius (r) known, we can calculate the linear acceleration and linear velocity using the following formulas:

3. Calculate linear acceleration: The linear acceleration, denoted as a, is the acceleration experienced by a point on the circumference of the flywheel. It is related to the rotational acceleration (α) and radius (r) by the formula:

a = α * r

However, for a flywheel rotating at a constant velocity, the acceleration is zero since there is no change in speed or direction. Therefore, the linear acceleration at maximum rotational velocity is zero.

4. Determine linear velocity: The linear velocity, denoted as v, is the speed at which a point on the circumference of the flywheel is moving. It can be calculated using the formula:

v = ω * r

Plug in the values for ω and r that you determined earlier to calculate the linear velocity.

Remember to use consistent units throughout the calculations.