The temperature on Tuesday was -2 degrees F write an inequality to compare the temperatures.explain meaning of the inequality

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hmmm. You seem to have neglected to provide another temperature.

Well, what's the other temperature? You need two numbers to compare them.

If the temperature is 2 degrees less than the other, then it would be:
70° F>68° F
Using 70 as the first number.

To compare the temperature on Tuesday (-2 degrees Fahrenheit) with another temperature, we can use an inequality. Let's denote the unknown temperature as "x". Since we want to compare the temperatures, we can use the less than or greater than symbols:

If we want to compare if the temperature on Tuesday was colder than another temperature, we can use the less than symbol. In this case, it would be:

-2 < x

This inequality states that the temperature on Tuesday (-2) is less than (colder than) the temperature "x". So, any temperature "x" that is greater than -2 would be warmer than Tuesday's temperature.

If we want to compare if the temperature on Tuesday was warmer than another temperature, we can use the greater than symbol. In this case, it would be:

-2 > x

This inequality states that the temperature on Tuesday (-2) is greater than (warmer than) the temperature "x". So, any temperature "x" that is less than -2 would be colder than Tuesday's temperature.

The meaning of an inequality is identifying the relationship between the two quantities being compared. In the context of temperatures, the inequality helps us understand if one temperature is greater or less than another.