Andre has $30, and Erin has $14. Andre is saving $5 per day, and Erin is saving $9 per day. After how many days will Andre and Erin have the same amount of money.

A) 1 Days
B) 4 Days
C) 5 Days
D) 10 Days
I would say C
Is that correct??

I’m guessing y’all are from conexus plz u need the answers to the final I can’t fail 👉👈🥺

legends have it that "hey" is still working on the test

Yeah it’s B. Same I’m from Connexus

i’ve been on this test for a while but i’ll post later

its b

Andre = 30 + 5 n

Erin = 14 + 9 n

30 + 5 n = 14 + 9 n
16 = 4 n


Ohhhh okay thank you!!

You are welcome.

What A Pain

does anyone have all the answer?