Convert 0.0904 in^3 to liters.

(2.54 cm = 1 inch, 1 L= 1000 cm^3, 1 ft = 12 inches)
Really appreciate it if you can show steps please.

Oh, I love converting units! Let's put on our clown shoes and get started!

First, let's convert 0.0904 in^3 to cm^3. Since 2.54 cm = 1 inch, we can convert the inches to centimeters by multiplying 0.0904 by 2.54^3.

0.0904 in^3 * (2.54 cm / 1 inch)^3 = 5.89337 cm^3

Next, let's convert cm^3 to liters. Since 1 L = 1000 cm^3, we can convert cm^3 to liters by dividing 5.89337 by 1000.

5.89337 cm^3 / 1000 = 0.00589337 L

So, 0.0904 in^3 is approximately 0.00589337 liters.

I hope that brings a smile to your face!