If you rub a piece of PVC pipe with some wool and touch the PVC to Aluminum foil. Will the PVC be charged after rubbing it with wool?? Will the aluminum be charged? Finally can the PVC cause the aluminum to move. Please explain (hint: can the PVC give charge to the aluminum?)

i know the pvc will be charged through friction. i know the aluminum will be charged because it is transferred from the pvc. but i am not sure if the pvc can cause the aluminum to move.

Please see the later post.


To answer your question, let's break it down step by step:

1. Rubbing PVC pipe with wool: When you rub the PVC pipe with wool, the friction between the two materials causes electrons to move from the wool to the PVC. This transfer of electrons leads to an imbalance of charges on the PVC. The PVC becomes negatively charged.

2. Touching the PVC to aluminum foil: When you touch the negatively charged PVC to the aluminum foil, the aluminum foil becomes positively charged. This is because the excess electrons on the PVC repel the electrons in the aluminum foil, causing them to redistribute and leave the aluminum foil positively charged.

3. Can the PVC cause the aluminum to move? The answer is no. The movement of charge in this scenario is due to the redistribution of electrons between the materials. While the aluminum foil becomes charged, it does not move any more than it did before. The charges simply redistribute themselves on the surface of the aluminum foil.

So, to summarize, rubbing the PVC pipe with wool charges the PVC negatively. When the charged PVC is touched to the aluminum foil, it causes the aluminum foil to become positively charged. However, the PVC does not have the ability to physically move the aluminum foil.