Ms grove has trays of paint for students in her art class each tray has 5 colors one of the colors is purple what fraction of the color in 20 trays is purple


You might try finding the caps key on your keyboard and using it. Also periods sure do help reading when used.

flagpole shadow = 27 feet.
Larry shadow = 5 feet for 6 foot Larry.

LS - Larry shadow.
LH = Larry height.
FS = flagpole shadow
x = flagpole height.
(LS/LH) = (FS/x)

Sorry, DrBob222 -- but I deleted the post you were answering. It was a hitchhiker on another student's question. If that student reposts the question, we can copy and paste your answer to his new post.

To find the fraction of purple paint in 20 trays, we first need to know how many trays have purple paint. Since each tray has 5 colors and one of them is purple, we can infer that each tray has 1/5 of purple paint.

Now, we can calculate the total amount of purple paint in 20 trays. Since there are 20 trays and each tray has 1/5 of purple paint, we need to multiply 20 by 1/5 to find the total amount.

20 * 1/5 = 20/5 = 4

Therefore, there is a total of 4 trays of purple paint in 20 trays.

To express this as a fraction of the total, we need to compare the number of purple trays to the total number of trays, which is 20.

So the fraction of purple paint in 20 trays is 4/20 which can be simplified to 1/5.