The want concert, arising from the want of a general authority and from clashing and dissimilar views in the State, has hitherto frustrated every experiment..., and will continue to do so as long as the same obstacles to a uniformity of measures continues to exist- Federalist No.22

Based on this quote, how did Alexander Hamilton see the role of the judicial branch of the federal government?

A:He believed the federal judiciary should be able to decide which laws were passed if Congress and the president could not agree.
B:He believed the federal judiciary should be able to prevent bills passed by Congress from becoming law.
C:He believed the federal judiciary should be able to impeach judges in the state courts if they abused their power.
D:He believed the federal judiciary should be able to settle state disputes, override states laws, and provide uniformity to the law.***

Is this correct?

What is a "want concert"?

That should have been the want of concert....Sorry, typing error.

Thank you! Great site! I appreciate your help!

Based on the quote provided from Federalist No. 22, Alexander Hamilton believed that the lack of a general authority and conflicting views in the state would continue to hinder the successful functioning of government. In order to address this issue, Hamilton argued that a uniformity of measures was required.

Based on this understanding, the correct answer to the question would be:

D: He believed the federal judiciary should be able to settle state disputes, override states laws, and provide uniformity to the law.

Hamilton believed that by empowering the federal judiciary to settle disputes between states, override state laws if necessary, and ensure uniformity in the interpretation of the law, the challenges arising from the lack of coordination and diverse views could be overcome.